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Job Description for Editor of 'En Passant'

1. The Editor will require Microsoft Word and Excel or compatible equivalent software with the ability to produce a pdf file for distribution.

2. ‘En Passant’ shall be produced bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, September and Novembe

3. The current printing arrangement is for 16 A4 pages.

4. The deadline for submissions for each edition is 15th of the publication month with a view to publication within 7 days. Material received after the deadline may be included if it is of sufficient importance.

5. Each edition must include: Club news, tournament results, pairings and tables (where appropriate), contact details of committee and other officials, officers’/Tournament Controllers’ reports as required, a welcome message to new members as advised by the Membership Secretary and any additional enclosures required (a list of scheduled items for enclosure is available from the Secretary).

6. The remaining space can be filled with items submitted by the members (annotated games, chess-related articles, letters, book reviews etc.) at the Editor’s discretion. Unused material to be held over for a later edition if suitable.

7. If there is insufficient material to fill the available space the Editor may choose to search the Internet or other sources for interesting articles (subject to copyright laws) or to repeat material from earlier editions (keeping a store of published annotated games is useful for this purpose).

8. Finalise items for the new issue and proof read. A good tip from an old chap in the printing trade: “Read backwards and then you aren’t anticipating”.

9. Convert the final draft to pdf and distribute to email recipients as ‘Blind Addressees (Bcc)’ or equivalent in order to comply with GDPR policy.

10. Forward an email copy to the Distribution Secretary for printing of postal edition.

11.  Maintain the EP email distribution list as advised by the Treasurer and Membership Secretary.

8th February 2023