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Job Description For Natcor Treasurer and Membership Secretary

1. Payment Requests

a) Pay bills, invoices, expenses claims etc. promptly.

b) Cheques require any one of the three authorised signatories: Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.

c) When required arrange for change of signatories to be completed by all relevant parties in accordance with bank requirements.


2. Income

a) Pay moneys received into the bank as soon as practicable.

b) Manage PayPal account as necessary.


3. Membership List

a) Maintain an up-to-date list of paid-up Natcor members.

b) Supply an updated copy to the following officials whenever an addition, deletion or other change is made to the list detailing the change:

  i) Tournament Controllers
 ii) Secretary
 iii) Chairman
 iv) EP Editor
 v)  Distribution Secretary if it is a change of postal address for EP

4. New Membership Applications

a) Confirm applicant is eligible to join according to NCCC/ICCF rules with reference to Committee if required.

b) Acknowledge receipt of application form and payment promptly.

c) Once accepted, notify the following officers of new member’s details and requirements:

  i) Recruitment Officer so that a welcome pack can be sent.
 ii) Relevant Tournament Controller(s) so that any requested games can be organised.
 iii) EP Editor so that a welcome message can go into the next edition and the email EP distribution list can be updated if required.
 iv) Distribution Secretary if a postal EP is required.

d) Forward an updated membership list as per item 3b.

5. Membership Renewals (due 1st September annually)

a) Send a renewal form and a brief notice for the members that renewal date is approaching to the EP Editor in time for inclusion in the July-August edition of EP (i.e. 15th July).

b) Send a renewal reminder notice for the members to EP Editor by 15th September for inclusion in the Sep-Oct edition.

c) Send a final reminder to non-renewers in good time for the November 1st cut-off date.

After the cut-off date:
a) Send a list of members who have not renewed to:

i) Chairman
ii) Tournament Controllers so they may remove deleted players from their tournaments.

b) Update the membership list accordingly and distribute as per item 3b.


6. Record Keeping

a) Record all transactions and keep receipts and other related paperwork for the legally required period or as directed by the Committee.

7. Annual Financial Statement

a) Prepare an annual statement of the Club's finances (year-end 31st December).

b) Send end of year accounts for independent examination.

c) Send verified accounts report to Secretary and EP Editor as soon as possible but in time for the March-April edition of En Passant (deadline 15th March).

d) Advise Committee if changes to subscription rates are required.


8. Data Protection

Handle all members’ personal details in accordance with our GDPR policy as stated on the Club’s web site.