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Membership Application/Renewal Details

This table shows our subscription rates. As a Natcor member you will not be asked to pay additional fees to enter our tournaments. If you are joining us for the first time don't forget the 'New Applicants Only' information.

Joining Month Standard Over 65 Under 18
Sep-Nov £10.00 £6.00 £5.00
Dec-Feb £7.00 £5.00 £4.00
Mar-Aug £4.00 £4.00 £4.00

Additional voluntary donations are gratefully received and help to keep our club running as you would wish.

Please submit your payment securely via the PayPal link or by £ sterling cheque payable to 'NCCC' and forward to:
Mr. M.J. Blake, Turnpike Cottage, Kennerleigh, Crediton, Devon  EX17 4RR . If you require a written receipt for your subscription please include SAE.

If you wish to pay by any other method please contact our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.before submitting your application.

Playing via the ICCF Web Server: if you wish to play your Natcor games via the ICCF web server you must have an active ICCF account. If you do not have an ICCF account please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating your full name and the nationality under which you wish to be registered (English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh).

Overseas applicants: changes to ICCF rules beyond our control mean that we can only offer web server chess to players registered with the national federations of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and to players with no national federation affiliated to the ICCF. We are unable to offer postal play to members residing outside the UK.

If you would like to know more about our membership details please email our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will be pleased to advise you.

*By submitting this application you are agreeing to abide by the rules and code of ethics of the National Correspondence Chess Club*