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The Norman Bond Knockout Tournament

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Nick Glanvile

Each NBKO tournament begins with a round of 8 players paired together at random. Each winner goes forward to a second round of 4 players and so on until a tournament winner is found. The winner of each NBKO tournament enters the prestigious NBKO Hall of Fame.

A full explanation of the tournament and playing rules can be viewed here.

You may enter as many NBKO tournaments as you like by contacting the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Nick Glanvile.

The NBKO continues to be a popular format for club members, and we currently have many tournaments on the go. However we can always start more, so why not give NBKO a go? You play only one opponent in each round! We are very close to the required number for another Webserver tournament and a new postal tournament, so let me know if you are interested in either (or both) of those.
Please report your results to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.

 (M=Major Game, m=minor game)

NBKO 173 (26/10/23-25/10/24)
Marc Wakeham 1½-½ Stephen Bailey
Antony Clare 2-0 Keith Dudeney
David Elwood 2-0 Ken Law
Clive Scarrott 2-0 Nick Glanvile


NBKO 173 Semi-Finals (14/08/24-13/08/25)
Marc Wakeham 2-0 Clive Scarrott
Antony Clare 0-2 David Elwood



NBKO 174 (14/11/23-13/11/24)
David Richardson 2-0 John Nichol
Stephen Bailey  2-0 Ken Law
Paul Keevil 2-0 David Elwood
Marc Wakeham 1-1M Chris Smith


NBKO 174 Semi-Finals (22/8/24-21/8/25)
Paul Keevil 2-0 Chris Smith
David Richardson 0-2 Stephen Bailey


NBKO 174 Final (21/1/25-20/1/26)
Stephen Bailey -v- Paul Keevil



NBKO 175 (26/12/23-25/12/24)
Paul Keevil 1-1(2 draws) Paul Scott
David Elwood 1M-1m Stephen Bailey
Ken Law 0-2 Chris Smith
Marc Wakeham 2-0 Wilfred Watson


NBKO 175 Semi-Finals 17/09/24-16/09/25
David Elwood ½ - 1½ Chris Smith
Paul Scott 1-1M(2 draws) Mark Wakeham



NBKO 176 (09/07/2024-08/07/2025)
Stephen Bailey 2-0 Cornelius Cornes
Russell Sherwood 1-1R Marc Wakeham
Iain Gould 2-0 Ken Law
Frey Rafferty 2-0(D) Wilfred Watson


NBKO 176 Semi-Finals (25/11/24-24/11/25)
Stephen Bailey -v- Russell Sherwood
Bye -v- Iain Gould